What is a gender reveal? Sonography has granted parents the opportunity to discover the gender of their baby prior to birth. This gives them the option of choosing their definite baby name and purchasing supplies and clothes that may be gender specific. While some parents choose to wait until the baby’s birth to find out the gender, others may choose to have a gender reveal party. Gender reveal parties can occur with the baby shower or as a completely separate event.
Baby gender reveal party ideas usually include lots of pink and blue. The symbolic colors of each gender are featured heavily, along with some neutral colors like gray or white, until the actual moment the gender is revealed. You’ll need plenty of pink and blue decorations like Balloons, Streamers, and Tableware for your gender reveal decorations ideas. Balloons are also a common theme for the actual moment of truth. Many couples open a box and release balloons colored either pink or blue to surprise themselves and everyone in attendance with the gender of their baby. PartyCheap also has some gender reveal balloons including the Gender Reveal Latex Balloons and the Gender
Reveal Mylar Balloons. Some folks also fill a neutral balloon with appropriately colored confetti or glitter and have the parents pop the balloon to reveal! Fill up a balloon with some of our It’s a Girl Fanci-Fetti or It’s a Boy Fanci-Fetti!
Other methods of revealing the gender include using the food at the party. Many couples order a cake with white or neutral icing. When they cut into the cake, the cake color itself, pink or blue, gives away the gender of the baby. Cakes can also be filled with candy in the necessary colors.
PartyCheap also offers items for gender reveal party games. One of the most well-known games is to have guests cast their vote on what they think the baby will be. PartyCheap has the
Gender Reveal Team Voting Tally Board to keep track of everyone’s votes. People can also display which team they’re on by wearing the Gender Reveal Team Blue/Pink Stickers. Other games can be played at the party, such as using the methods of old wives’ tales to discover the gender and using the stickers to keep track of the results of each test.
There are also different gender reveal themes you can use for your party! Some popular ones are the “Little Miss or Little Mister?” theme in which the decorations are either bows or bowties. Mustaches and lips can also serve for this theme. Another theme would be “What’s it going
to BEE?” with a bumble bee motif. There is also a “Waddle it be?” theme that features duckies. The owl themes often feature the phrase “He or she, WHOO’s it going to be?” There are many ideas for gender reveal out there!
Folks are also getting very creative with their gender reveal party invitations! Some remain ambiguous with such vague phrases as the ones discuss for the themes. Others reveal the gender in the invitation for a baby shower! They feature pictures of the balloon release or other such creative moments! These photos can also be used as a baby announcement for those who couldn’t make it to the party.
Having a baby is one of the most exciting things that can happen in life! Every moment and step of the journey should be celebrated. PartyCheap is here to help you decorate to reveal the gender of your baby. Should you choose not to find out until the baby is born, we also have plenty of gender non-specific decorations for a baby shower!