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Instant Luau Party

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We all wish we could sit on the beach sipping Mai Tais while watching the sunset over the beautiful horizon. Why not bring the beach to your own backyard with a Luau Themed Party? Throw on a Coconut Bra, grass hula skirt for a perfect luau costume and light the Tiki Torches as you hand out Coconut filled with refreshing Mai Tais. Don't forget the pretty little umbrellas. Add some life to your luau party with a fun game of limbo. Look for the set and CD on the party cheap website. You can’t forget about the luau decorations to make your guest feel like they are at the beach for this Insta-party. Set up some centerpieces, hang up a couple beach backgrounds and have your guest relax without a care in the world! Here's everything you need to throw the best luau party ever!

Instant Luau Party Ideas

Want to host a party but don't want to spend a lot of time planning? Then this Luau theme is perfect for you! By purchasing a few items and having food and drinks you can have a fun gathering with friends and family. Create the Luau theme by having each guest wear a Grass Skirt with a coconut cup in their hand. The Luau Insta-theme will quickly and easily bring the party into the Hawaiian atmosphere. You can also add a centerpiece or two to add some life to your tables. A Palm Tree Inflatable will also enhance the Luau Theme as well. Hang up a fishing net with some fish caught in the net into bring the theme together. Another way to quickly boost the Luau theme is too add some luau tableware to all of your tables. A couple Hawaiian cups and plates can really bring your party to life. No matter where the guests look they will feel like they are relaxing on the beach with this Luau Theme. Don’t forget about the leis! Make sure every guest has one of these strung around their neck so they are a part of the party as well. All of these Luau pieces can be found above for a quick Luau Party!